On Entering the Strands of Trees from evangelyne on Vimeo.
On Entering the Strands of Trees
You walk towards a landscaped field
which raises your heart level. You leave
behind bad news, broken geraniums.
The park is freshly mown and the winter
so green it's no longer a rogue patch
of kindling and leaves, February heat,
and you’re avoiding the mobile phone
while listening to Natalie Merchant.
The grass trees are damsons twitching
amongst the strands of trees and there
is order in the urban vortex, a magpie and
willy wagtail morphing their visual song.
The park opens a pathway to an artist's future,
newfound aesthetics in Cedar, Olive Green
and May. A mimesis. The scene rises slowly
into itself, methodically in Derwent tips.
French and Gunmetal change the symmetry of
a blank page. The bush, a drug of infinite
detail, permeates a calm of egg and bacon plant,
purple wisteria, a photosynthesis of bark.
You scrape the page, and almost hearing the
struggle, the shade reaches out like a hand.
Music by Taylor Hayward, http://www.taylorhayward.org
PS: I've removed the video clip, but still practicing!