The Travelling Tent Show
The show had come to town.
big-top, small caravans, a lion
chasing its tail. It was an outing
with hairy camels, no one familiar,
only neighbour’s faces, some unknown.
Except for Dracula out front, there
were no zombies inside, no clattering
chains to pattern a death. Only lipstick-
clowns in toothless grins, twirling dogs
in tutus. There was more excitement
when tent pegs popped, when wall
skirts collapsed in the wind. Did they
hire a poltergeist or comic from
another town? Imagine us on the
hillcrest to home, a mother’s face
drooping, the circus torn on the outside,
vacant within, and your daughter’s
voice stretched as her red balloon,
calling, ‘Mum, will that nurse throw
the sword at the man, next time?’
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