Tuesday, January 15, 2013

wherever they hang

                                 for Stephanie

she landscapes four dresses on the wall
chooses black to colour art

black, the darker side of pale
black, the unlovely colour of roads,

night hazards, flashing lights, dead-end
signs. in a laneway a woman sleeps

while the mood calls her runaway, wife.
curbside ladies hang on lamp-posts, flee

a hooting owl, some drive up lonely highways
find the river closed. some make it to the

station or midnight plane. others leave before
the egg is born, snatched from brutal hands.

some artists wall a movement
others dress the girls.



Prose Poetry

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White Collar Crime

The Last Asbestos Town

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of Arc & Shadow

of Arc & Shadow
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MBA (Wrtg) ECowan

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Helen Hagemann holds an MA in Writing from Edith Cowan University, has three poetry books: Evangelyne & Other Poems published by Australian Poetry, Melbourne (2009) and of Arc & Shadow published by Sunline Press, Perth (2013). Bounty: prose poetry is published by Oz.one Publishing in 2024. She has three novels published The Last Asbestos Town (2020), The Ozone Café (2021) and The Five Lives of Ms Bennett a result of her Masters degree at ECU (2006), is published by Oz.one Publishing (2023).

Helen Hagemann MBA (Wrtg): ECowan

Helen Hagemann MBA (Wrtg): ECowan
Author & Poet


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